Monday, 21 January 2008

We have moved

Well - we had been promising that would be moving servers and hosting companies and finally it has happened. We moved to our new host on the 16th January 2008. The new host provides us better commercial grade hosting so that we can expand the site and our online offerings.

The key reason for the move was to strengthen our offering through our community forums and also our ability to offer our customers online sales and services.

Talking about the forums, since you are reading this you probably have an interest in photography or KJB-Photography, either way why not sign up to the the FREE public forums and start talking about photography and all things imaging. In the forum you can engage in discussion on photography and imaging, share best practice, quiz our knowledgeable community, join a training course or just talk about technology. Why not give it a look and sign up today by Clicking Here

Here is a picture from a shoot last week for Darlington Rugby club where we are do the Media / PR and all the Photography. This piece was done to tell the world about the new players from Australia, New Zealand and South Africa - hence my somewhat tongue in cheek use of the barbecue and beer!

Thursday, 8 November 2007

Podcast Video Feed No1

Welcome to our first video podcast (also available on YouTube and shortly iTunes).

We provide Viral Marketing and Video Cast Services for many commercial businesses and thought it was about time we posted our own.

Friday, 3 August 2007

Welding and Arch Eye

Hi readers

Another interesting week in the life of KJB-Photography!.

Last Friday we covered a centenial dinner for Wearhead United Football Club - see the forum @ KJB-Photography quite an iteresting night.

This week has been interesting as usual - with more work completed on the website and the launchof the KJB-Photography forum - go-on join us and see what you could get involved with. Also this week we did a photo shoot of MIG welding - wow how difficult was that to expose correctly, but really good fun never the less.

Friday, 27 July 2007

Rugby PR

More PR work this week. Following on from signing the deal to represent Darlington Rugby Club for media & PR and our own ongoing deal as official photographers for the club, a couple of interesting images were taken to celebrate the sponsorship deal of Samurai sports clothing.

These images are pretty typical of our press picture style - using wacky camera angles and interesting fill-in flash ratios to get images that have added impact. These images should be in teh regional press next week - so watch out.

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

An Eclectic Mix

As mentioned in an earlier post, Sunday was a bit of a busy time for us. We covered the Triumph Stag meet at Beamish Open Air Museum for Durham County Life Magazine (where we are the main photo contributors), and then a Arts festival for the Community Channel at the Gateshead Metro Centre [as a PR job].

Funny thing about being a Freelancer is the things that you get involved in ... who would have thought that Buddha's, Classic Cars & Indian Bollywood Dancers could all be combined on a Traditional Sunday in the North East - truly and eclectic mix.

Today, we are working on a series of Wedding Albums for clients and finishing up some adverts.

Yesterday we confirmed that Cerys Limited (where I am also a founding Director) have agreed terms to provide PR, Media & Marketing support for both Darlington Rugby Football Club and Darlington Golf Club. These will expand our list of corporate an sports clients for both PR, Event and Commercial Photography Services - watch this space for more information on this.
More Soon ... Keith

Monday, 23 July 2007

Fat Buddha Story goes National

Sunday 22nd July was a great day for our pictures.

A story I covered with a local journalist about the opening of the Fat Buddha Restaurant in Durham with pictures went National on Sunday 22nd July with pictures appearing in The Mail on Sunday and there website see the following link.

The picture was so successful that it has today appeared in the Northern Echo and will be in the Sunderland Echo Tomorrow and probably a host of other regional and national publications over the next few days.

Friday, 20 July 2007

Real Life Jobs

Well its been a rather interesting day in the life today! everything from working on post processing to wading through the treacle that is the inter-web!!

We have been trying to set up our new FORUM for customers, colleagues and enthusiasts to find that our existing domain host won't allow privileges to create posts - not much use in a post based forum!

This weekend we have a number of events to cover. The First is at Beamish Open air Museum in Conset County Durham for a vintage car show (for Durham county life magazine) and then a charity event at the Newcastle Metro Centre - the largest shopping Mall in Europe.

Will post some pics from these next week.

Thought I might end this blog with an image from a bazaar photo shoot - for rubber gloves!!

More Soon.