Tuesday, 24 July 2007

An Eclectic Mix

As mentioned in an earlier post, Sunday was a bit of a busy time for us. We covered the Triumph Stag meet at Beamish Open Air Museum for Durham County Life Magazine (where we are the main photo contributors), and then a Arts festival for the Community Channel at the Gateshead Metro Centre [as a PR job].

Funny thing about being a Freelancer is the things that you get involved in ... who would have thought that Buddha's, Classic Cars & Indian Bollywood Dancers could all be combined on a Traditional Sunday in the North East - truly and eclectic mix.

Today, we are working on a series of Wedding Albums for clients and finishing up some adverts.

Yesterday we confirmed that Cerys Limited (where I am also a founding Director) have agreed terms to provide PR, Media & Marketing support for both Darlington Rugby Football Club and Darlington Golf Club. These will expand our list of corporate an sports clients for both PR, Event and Commercial Photography Services - watch this space for more information on this.
More Soon ... Keith

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pics - where was this?