Well - we had been promising that KJB-Photography.com would be moving servers and hosting companies and finally it has happened. We moved to our new host on the 16th January 2008. The new host provides us better commercial grade hosting so that we can expand the site and our online offerings.
The key reason for the move was to strengthen our offering through our community forums and also our ability to offer our customers online sales and services.
Talking about the forums, since you are reading this you probably have an interest in photography or KJB-Photography, either way why not sign up to the the FREE public forums and start talking about photography and all things imaging. In the forum you can engage in discussion on photography and imaging, share best practice, quiz our knowledgeable community, join a training course or just talk about technology. Why not give it a look and sign up today by Clicking Here
Here is a picture from a shoot last week for Darlington Rugby club where we are do the Media / PR and all the Photography. This piece was done to tell the world about the new players from Australia, New Zealand and South Africa - hence my somewhat tongue in cheek use of the barbecue and beer!

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